Water is a precious resource. Côté Gold is located within the James Bay watershed, so water within our site footprint flows north to the Arctic. IAMGOLD has implemented rigorous management systems to monitor and respond to potential effects in the freshwater environment. Any water in the milling process exists within a closed-loop system to limit consumption and maximize recycling and reuse.
The aquatic monitoring program also verifies predictions from the Environmental Assessment and Environmental Effects Review, supports current and future fisheries authorizations, and provides accurate data on water quality and movement.
Surface Waters
Water Taking and Transfer
The Côte Gold ore deposit is partially located beneath a lake. To compensate for the loss of fish habitat, we are creating another lake and re-aligning water channels.
Comprehensive aquatic habitat evaluations were conducted before construction to understand and inventory the quantity and quality of habitats being altered or removed. We then used this information to develop a plan to create positive contributions to the aquatic ecosystem. This plan was informed by Indigenous and public consultation and was approved by Fisheries and Oceans Canada.
As part of IAMGOLD’s Zero Harm® commitment to minimize our impact on the environment, we developed a comprehensive fish salvage program that transfers live fish to nearby suitable habitats.
Construction Monitoring
Vibration Monitoring
Blast vibration and over-pressure monitoring (to protect fish and incubating eggs)
Offsetting and Habitat Monitoring
Geomorphic Stability and Habitat Conditions
Benthic Invertebrate Community Composition and Biomass (Aquatic Organism Diversity and Abundance)
Fish Surveys
At Côté Gold, we are beginning our journey towards Net Negative through preliminary investigations into biodiesel and liquefied natural gas usage, investigating electrification of light vehicles, and identifying local nature-based carbon offset programs.
Currently at Côté, air quality monitoring and mitigation programs track and reduce emissions. Monitoring stations are strategically located to detect generated air emissions and particulate in areas of close proximity to residents and cottages. Aligned with our Zero Harm® vision, our overarching environmental objectives are to prevent and mitigate any environmental impacts, to meet or surpass regulatory requirements, and to strive to continually improve our environmental practices and performance.
Noise reduction criteria are incorporated into all design and construction activities occurring on site. Setback distances are established between the local seasonal residents and construction activities, and operational restrictions on nighttime activities are in place to limit disturbances.
IAMGOLD keeps nearby seasonal residents informed about the timing and extent of blast activities. Our environmental objectives are to prevent and mitigate any environmental impacts of vibrations related to nearby waterbodies and resident fish populations. Through advanced monitoring, blast size regulation, and appropriate setbacks, IAMGOLD is working towards its Zero Harm® vision and safeguarding fish and wildlife.
During exploration and construction planning we established strategies to reduce the effects on potential archaeological and heritage sites. IAMGOLD’s management practices identify, protect, preserve, and restore resources. With qualified archaeologists and Indigenous community members, we excavate, catalogue, document, and archive any artifacts.
We collaborate with Indigenous communities and local and provincial agencies, as appropriate, and inform them of project developments.
Côté Gold has maintained public access to the 4M canoe route so the community can safely traverse through the site. Anyone planning to use the 4M canoe route is encouraged to contact the Côté Gold Community Relations team beforehand, using our general enquiries contact form, to ensure safe passage through the Côté Gold property.
Mines produce ‘tailings’ as a by-product of mineral processing. During this process, mine rock is crushed, water is added to the fine particles, and the valuable metals are separated from the mined rock. The tailings produced in the process are transported as a slurry to a Tailings Management Facility for management and final storage.
Côté Gold’s tailings facility will store tailings produced from processing 203 million tonnes of ore during the life of the mine. Tailings water will be pumped from the reclaim pond directly to the mill for reuse, forming a closed circuit without coming into contact with other water bodies. Collection ditches and ponds will be located at low points around the facility perimeter to collect runoff and seepage for recirculation to the process plant.
Rigorous quality assurance and control measures are in place to support safe design, construction, and operation of the tailings facility. It is designed to include automated monitoring and surveillance technology that allows for real-time, remote data collection and review to verify performance.
Our tailings management is over seen by an Independent Tailings Review Board. This board reviews future tailings management facility design and construction plans and will provide third party review of construction as it progresses. The board consists of industry experts including BGC Engineering, SNC Lavalin, and Knight Piesold.
IAMGOLD has committed to progressive rehabilitation of the Tailings Management Facility with cover soils and native vegetation. Throughout the operations phase, approximately 25% of the facility is expected to be vegetated, creating the potential for self-revegetation and reducing the overall reclamation time during the post-closure phase of the Project.
The tailings facility is subject to ongoing engineering design and optimization that comply with national requirements and international best practices, including: