September 30, 2022
As of June 30, 2022, overall, the project was approximately 57% complete, with detailed engineering nearly complete at approximately 99%.
Processing plant civil works have progressed with the continued placement of pre-cast and cast-in-place concrete. Structural steel for the processing plant building is currently erected and architectural elements are mostly complete. At the end of June, the SMPEI contractor had begun erecting the structure around the base of the ball mill foundation.
Earthworks activities continue with several work fronts providing significant progress including haul road construction, water realignment channels work and dam construction.
New Lake South Dam, New Lake North Dam, North Sedimentation Pond Dam are complete and work on Polishing Pond dam is well advanced.
Challenges were encountered this spring with a higher amounts of freshet than anticipated. Water treatment systems were deployed and installed. This impeded the advancement of overburden material removal from the pit and limited fresh rock access.
Tailings Management Facility water management infrastructure including coffer dams and pumping stations worked well during freshet aided by the water treatment plant. Starter dam foundation excavations and filling are well underway.
Côté Gold is expected to commence production in early 2024. The figure below shows the proposed milestone activities that will occur between now and the first gold pour.