Remote ground grid work in progress at the Mine Grade Ore Stockpile (MGO). Photo credit: Eric Gosselin, Mine Manager

Project Update - September 2023

September 15, 2023

Project is approximately 86% complete!

We have seen remarkable construction progress at Côté Gold, which means that the mine was approximately 86% complete at the end of June and that we are on track to pour our first gold bar in early 2024! Project activities have begun the critical transition from bulk construction to finishing activities and operational readiness, and mining operations have started operating 24/7. Once in operations, the mine will employ over 500 permanent employees.

Fostering a culture of technology and continuous improvement. Our goal at Côté Gold is to apply advanced technology to everything we do to increase productivity and keep our people safe. The major technological feats include autonomous system key components, autonomous haulage, advanced process plant technology, and autonomous drilling. The first CAT 6060 next generation shovel is being commissioned and awaiting electrification of the site in order to be deployed for in-pit activities.


Our Côté Gold project is making significant progress and is on track to commence initial production by early next year. The project has advanced considerably, and it was 85.7% complete at the end of June. There were more than 1,900 workers on site in early summer, reaching peak camp capacity. Congratulations to the workforce and contractors involved for their impressive achievements!

Earthworks activities

Earthworks activities advanced with a focus on the tailings management facility (TMF). Water accumulation in the TMF has started to have sufficient water for plant startup. Phase 2 of dam raising has begun.

Processing plant

Installation of ball mill liners began in June and ball mill motors are on site, for which preparations for installation commenced. Leach tank construction and installation of agitators is ongoing. Construction sequence has been adjusted to prioritize critical tanks for commissioning.

Leach tanks, July 2023
Leach tanks, July 2023
High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR)  installation, July 2023
High Pressure Grinding Roll (HPGR) installation, July 2023

Other infrastructure

The high voltage overhead power line has been connected to the electrical grid and energized up to Côté Gold’s main substation. Successful live test trips were conducted in collaboration with the transmission utility.

Electrical substation, July 2023
Electrical substation, July 2023

Mining activities

Autonomous hauling continued to ramp up with up to seven trucks operating with a total of 14, now commissioned. Owner mining is progressing with 1.1 M tonnes mined in the second quarter of 2023. The stockpile currently contains approximately 2.0 M tonnes of ore.

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